Barbados From The Sky
Whizzing around Barbados by drone!
Strap in for an amazing exploration of Barbados! This fast-paced drone tour begins on the eastern side of the island following the trail alongside coconut trees to Morgan Lewis Beach.
Switching to the north coast the video captures the magnificent cliffs, lively seas, and rugged beauty that characterizes this part of the island. Next we speed over to the Bathsheba seaside village, the most popular surfing spot in Barbados. We fly here among the fascinating rock formations under cloudy blue skies before heading back north.
Flying upwards we "climb" the Sleeping Giant then fly back down to the coast.
Next we move over to the more tranquil south coast and explore the wonderful beach at St. Lawrence Gap.
Back in the east the video highights the amazing view from Cherry Tree Hill and the lush beauty of the Scotland District.
The fast pace of the video is well complemented throughout by upbeat local music.
The First Person View style of the video is representative of creator IDV and reminds me of drone racing with its speed, swift turns, and proximity to objects.
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Reviewed by: kathy lynn ward